When we travel to a destination we don't know well, we always seek out a guide so we can make the best of our trip. Guides save us time and we enjoy our trip so much more. We have very limited time and we don't want to waste it going to spots all the other tourists are going to. We like to be away from everyone and see places hardly anyone knows about.
A good example is what has happened to Sedona. There's a famous natural bridge called "Devil's Bridge" that we used to be able to go to and be the only ones there. That was about 7 years ago. But now, you have to wait in a long line just to be able to walk out on it and you're continually surrounded by other tourists. Instagram has made Devil's Bridge extremely well known, so of course everyone wants to go to it when they visit Sedona. So us locals have learned to keep the best places secret and to ourselves so this doesn't keep happening to all our beautiful locations. And believe me... there's hundreds of places around Sedona that are far more beautiful than Devil's Bridge. Shhhh... so keep it a secret!
So that brings me to the first reason you should hire a local Photographer when you travel. A local photographer knows all the best and private places away from the tourists. So you have a guide and photographer all in one. This is especially important when traveling in the Great American West where there are so many majestic and beautiful locations. Some of them are very difficult to get to, so the Photographer sometimes can provide the way there. For instance, there are several places we go to take couples on dramatic shoots in beautiful locations... but they require a high clearance jeep to reach. So we provide that for the couple.
Now for the second reason you should hire a local Photographer when you travel. We see all the time people posting selfies on their Social Sites like Instagram. So many that they don't even catch our attention anymore. We just skim over them until we see an image that really captures our attention. Our eyes instantly can tell when there's actual creativity involved and an image has been taken Professionally. It means this person is serious about what they are doing and it instantly gets respect from their community. Besides, a Professional Photographer can tell you when your pose is not working and get you shots you never would have even imagined. These are the kind of shots that you treasure and get attention. And if you're going on a trip with your loved one... it communicates to them that you really value them and your time together. There's nothing more special than capturing your special memories together in a beautiful location such as Sedona.
The third reason you should hire a local Photographer is one of the most important. But you have to make sure they are a Professional Photographer and not just a Natural Light Photographer. Especially in a place as colorful as Sedona. When couple's and families travel to Sedona... they expect to see gorgeous desert sunsets and our famous Red Rocks. But it's difficult for a Natural Light Photographer to capture the beautiful colors of the landscape when they are limited to exposing for you in their camera. But a Professional Photographer is not limited whatsoever. They have professional outdoor lighting to overpower the sun so that they can expose to see you and the colorful landscape all at the same time. This is what cell phones and natural light photographers are not capable of. So no more washed out images of the sky or racoon eyes and harsh light on your faces. Our Sedona sunsets and Red Rocks are way too beautiful for you to go home to with only washed out images. You maybe able to take a picture with just the landscape alone. But the minute you add people into the picture with only a cell phone and no off camera professional lighting... then you have to make the choice whether to capture either the person or the landscape. You can't expose for both. A good example of what I'm describing is in the image below of a couple we took on one of our Adventure Elopements. So not only did they get a great picture they will always treasure... they got to have it taken by a professional in a majestic location they would have never been able to get to or find on their own. This couple had the time of their lives and didn't have any tourists at all to distract them from their special day.
