Our story is really simple. Nitzia and I are both Artists. She is a Professional Dancer and I'm a Country Music Singer. So we are both performers... and being passionate about entertaining, we carry this passion over to our photography. To us, a picture has to be inspiring and tell a story. We want the emotion to be believable and come out in our images with drama, body movement, vibrant colors and panoramic landscapes. Landscape images can be breathtaking, but when you add the magic of a person being in them... well, now you really have something special.
Nitzia's experience in choreography has been a game changer in guiding people how to pose naturally for pictures. Everyone loves her because she knows how to bring out the best in our clients. We all know, emotion and expression is everything and Nitzia is so gifted at this. Plus, she brings extra details... like scarfs, makeup, hats, skirts and dresses.
We always ask our clients why they chose us. The answer is usually... because your pictures have color and are not washed out like other photographers... and they are dramatic and beautiful.
Our clients don't travel all the way to Sedona to not be able to see the beautiful red rocks in their pictures. The reason why our pictures have color is due to my equipment and skill in natural lighting. We also use professional lighting, and as far as I'm aware... we are the only photographers in the South West that actually carry studio quality outdoor lighting for all our adventure and elopement shoots. Most photographers use only natural light, or maybe a flash. But a flash is not nearly powerful enough for the harsh lighting here in the West. That's why we only use powerful Profoto Professional Lighting for all our photography shoots so you can see the beautiful colors of the sky and red rocks in your images.
My Dad taught me you have to be the best at what you do or not do it at all. So thanks to him and God blessing and guiding us... according to Google, Stacy Burk Photography is the most reviewed and highest rated photography business in Sedona, Arizona.
Feel free to follow Nitzia and I in our adventures though Facebook, Instagram, or right here in our Blog Feed. We hope we inspire you to go after your dream. But most of all, we hope we inspire you to follow God. Because when you have a good relationship with Him... you can't go wrong.
